Creativity is seemingly built into the DNA of the Florida Keys. Without even stepping inside a gallery or studio, visitors exploring the island chain can encounter an eclectic variety of open-air artistry. Prime among the outdoor creations is a collection of thought-provoking large-scale sculptures.Florida Keys Newsroom
Divers can help preserve the Florida Keys’ native reef fish populations during the fun, socially distanced Reef Environmental Education Foundation 2020 Lionfish Derby. Scheduled Thursday through Sunday, Sept. 10-13, the derby challenges participants to capture and remove as many non-native lionfish as possible from Keys waters. Florida Keys Newsroom
The hard corals of the Florida Keys reefs have spent eons developing a simple system to perpetuate the species. It’s one of nature’s mysteries that works without human intervention or complete understanding.Florida Keys Newsroom
Artists are drawn to the Florida Keys because of the island chain’s deeply-hued, richly colorful natural scenery and an intensively creative spirit that infuses its culture.Florida Keys Newsroom
Fans of visual art can find it in galleries, exhibitions and pocket parks throughout the Florida Keys island chain — but only in the Connections Project mural can they view the work of more than 300 creative Keys spirits in one vibrant mosaic. Florida Keys Newsroom
Amateur and professional astronomers can experience unparalleled viewing of southern constellations, comets and stars in the Lower Florida Keys during the 36th annual Winter Star Party.Florida Keys Newsroom
For travelers seeking “voluntourism” opportunities to help sustain the continental United States’ only living coral barrier reef, the “Florida Keys Superfan” eco-adventure giveaway offers an enticing prize. Florida Keys Newsroom
"Florida Keys: Protecting Paradise," an hourlong television special that explores Keys sustainability efforts and the people dedicated to protecting the island chain's unique natural environment, is to debut on the Discovery Channel, Sunday, Dec. 29, at 8 a.m. ET/PT and 7 a.m. CT/MT.Florida Keys Newsroom
There’s always something happening in the Florida Keys & Key West, from eclectic festivals focusing on the area’s colorful history, artistic culture and notable cuisine to events that celebrate the Keys’ unique environment, underwater adventures and quirky ambiance. Florida Keys Newsroom
Emmy Award–winning travel host Samantha Brown is set to showcase the Florida Keys experience in a 30-minute television episode of “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love,” scheduled to air on public television stations nationwide beginning in January 2020.Florida Keys Newsroom